New Soup Bowl - Mangkuk sup balita dengan ukuran dan bentuk yang sesuai - Cocok untuk berbagai menu - Bentuk yang ergonomis membuat balita dapat belajar memegang mangkuknya sendiri - Terbuat dari serat jagung dan dari bahan yang ramah lingkungan - Dapat disteril dan memanaskan makanan didalam microwave - Dimensi kemasan 29 X 9,5 - Made form corn, Good, Green & Safe. - New Soup Bowl is large and therefore suitable for all kind of food. Strong, durable and long lasting. - Designed for to hold the bowl with their own hands. - Compatible with Mother's Corn round meal plate! Fits perfectly in the bottom right of the plate.
#babyministrybsd #babyministry #baby.ministry #babyshopbsd #babyshoptangerang #babyshop #babyshopserpong #tokobayi #tokobayibsd #tokobayiserpong #babyshopmurah #tokobayimurah #jualmotherscorn #jualmother'scorn #jualmothercorn #jualnewsoupbowl #jualmangkokbayi #jualmangkokbayimurah BABY MINISTRY JL RUKO TOL BOULEVARD NO.G-09 (SAMPING BIO MEDIKA) BSD CITY
Gambar produk
Motherscorn mother's corn New Soup BowlMotherscorn mother's corn New Soup BowlMotherscorn mother's corn New Soup BowlMotherscorn mother's corn New Soup Bowl