Detail Mother-K Eco Baby Zipperbag LARGE 27x24cm| 15pcs (Kantung Penyimpanan)
Mother-K - Eco Baby Zipperbag merupakan kantong penyimpanan yang hadir dengan handle/pegangan (untuk ukuran Medium ke atas) dan double zip untuk perlindungan lebih.
-Menggunakan bahan biodegradable yang ramah lingkungan sehingga tidak perlu khawatir lagi mengenai penggunaan plastik berlebihan -Aman digunakan untuk penyimpanan makanan dan camilan
Spesifikasi Produk Jenis Produk: Baby Zipperbag (Kantong Penyimpanan)
Manfaat: Memudahkan menyimpan dan membawa makanan si kecil
Kelebihan: -Dibuat dari bahan berkualitas dan sudah tersertifikasi FDA (BPOM) / KFDA (BPOM Korea) -Dapat digunakan berkali-kali tanpa menimbulkan tanda-tanda kerusakan -Resealable dan reusable
Isi Paket: 1 boks Baby Zipperbag (isi 15pcs)
“If you think about our babies future environment, choose the good MOTHER-K Eco Zipper Bag”. As it’s even more upgraded than traditional zipper bags, you can keep your babies‘ precious items clean for maternity, daycare, and family trips.
* More powerful seal with a double zipper and comfortable handle. More tightly keep your items or food.
* Strong and firm handle, that has a stripe pattern for a firmer finishing to prevent it from being easily stretched or torn when it is hung on the stroller.
* Handy and modern design. It is economical because it can be washed with water and then reused multiple times without deformation or tearing.
* Optimal, convenient and wide selection for sizes – from smallest items to big products. You can keep really small items for babies and bigger objects for yourself, that be easy and comfortable to pack your things.
* The package of the bags is not harmful for enviroment! For the environment, no laminating has been used to minimise package damage during the mass production process.
Gambar produk
Mother-K Eco Baby Zipperbag LARGE 27x24cm| 15pcs (Kantung Penyimpanan)Mother-K Eco Baby Zipperbag LARGE 27x24cm| 15pcs (Kantung Penyimpanan)Mother-K Eco Baby Zipperbag LARGE 27x24cm| 15pcs (Kantung Penyimpanan)Mother-K Eco Baby Zipperbag LARGE 27x24cm| 15pcs (Kantung Penyimpanan)Mother-K Eco Baby Zipperbag LARGE 27x24cm| 15pcs (Kantung Penyimpanan)