Mosfet IRF520 0 - 24v 5A Motor Solenoid LED Driver Module Module ini menggunakan IRF520 power MOS tube sehingga dapat mengatur output PWM (dapat mengatur terang LED, motor speed regulation , dll), dan bisa menjalankan beban hingga 24v seperti LED , DC motor , micro pump, solenoid valve.
Spesifikasi: ================================= - Ukuran: 33.4 * 25.6MM - Voltase: 3.3V, 5V - Voltase Output : 0 to 24V - Arus Output : < 5A (lebih besar dari 1A tambahkan heat sink) - Bisa untuk: Arduino, MCU, ARM, Raspberry Pi - Weight: 10g - Voltage: 3.3V, 5V - Ports: Digital Level - Output load voltage :0-24V - Output load current: 5A (1A above need to add heat sink) - Platform: Arduino, MCU, ARM, raspberry pie - Using original IRF520 Power MOS, you can adjust the output PWM - Arduino drive up to 24V allows the load, such as LED lights, DC motors, miniature pumps, solenoid valves - PWM dimming LED can be used to achieve stepless dimming, variable speed motor
Aplikasi: ================================= - Driver Motor - Diming LED Strip - Kontrol Selenoid - Kontrol Pump DC - Charger Aki
Isi Paket : ============================== - 1 X MOSFET IRF520 0 - 24V 5A MOTOR SOLENOID LED DRIVER MODULE