Detail Module card CPU Pabx NEC SL-1000 IP4ww - CPU Pabx NEC Sl1000
Module Card CPU Pabx Nec SL1000 Ip4ww-CPU-A Unit yang Sudah melalui tes Fungsi Normal baik tes fisik ataupun tes fungsi
– Room monitoring from outside – Warning Message during night mode – Remote Inspection, with auto-emergency call – Sensor Connectivity with auto-emergency call and warning message sending – Built-In Auto Answer – (Standby mode) during night mode – TDM/IP Coverage – ISDN Compatibility – Voice Mail Integration – Paging Announcement – Programmable Function Keys - Garansi 6 bulan
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Module card CPU Pabx NEC SL-1000 IP4ww - CPU Pabx NEC Sl1000Module card CPU Pabx NEC SL-1000 IP4ww - CPU Pabx NEC Sl1000Module card CPU Pabx NEC SL-1000 IP4ww - CPU Pabx NEC Sl1000Module card CPU Pabx NEC SL-1000 IP4ww - CPU Pabx NEC Sl1000Module card CPU Pabx NEC SL-1000 IP4ww - CPU Pabx NEC Sl1000