Detail Modul OLED Shield 0.66 Inch D1 Wemos Mini IoT Board
The WeMos Mini D1 OLED shield is a tiny 0.66" 64 x 48 pixel OLED display. Using OLED display technology means that not only is the display very bright and clear with a high contrast ratio but has a much lower power consumption when compared to other display technologies such as back lit LCD. It is also very visible in both total darkness or bright light conditions. To interface to the module the display uses a serial I2C interface requiring just two data pins. On-board reset circuitry means there is no need for an additional reset pin. Although this module is designed to be used with the WeMos D1 mini and mini Pro boards it is a OLED display with the commonly used SSD1306 display controller and so can be used as a display module with other microcontroller boards such as the Arduino.
Modul OLED Shield 0.66 Inch D1 Wemos Mini IoT BoardModul OLED Shield 0.66 Inch D1 Wemos Mini IoT BoardModul OLED Shield 0.66 Inch D1 Wemos Mini IoT BoardModul OLED Shield 0.66 Inch D1 Wemos Mini IoT Board