Detail Modul Multiplexer 74HC4051 8 Channel Analog & Digital
The 74HC4051; 74HCT4051 is a single-pole octal-throw analog switch (SP8T) suitable for use in analog or digital 8:1 multiplexer/demultiplexer applications. The switch features three digital select inputs (S0, S1 and S2), eight independent inputs/outputs (Yn), a common input/output (Z) and a digital enable input (E). When E is HIGH, the switches are turned off. Inputs include clamp diodes. This enables the use of current limiting resistors to interface inputs to voltages in excess of VCC.
The Multiplexer Breakout provides access to all pins and features of the 74HC4051, an 8-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer. The 74HC4051 allows you to turn four I/O pins into eight multifunctional, individually selectable signals, which can be used to do everything from driving eight LEDs to monitoring eight potentiometers.
Power Supply Limits
The 74HC4051 supports a wide supply range, but the presence of the optional negative voltage supply -- VEE -- has the potential to make things a little complicated. Here are the basic rules that govern the 74HC4051's power supplies:
VCC must be at least 2.0V (above GND). VCC must not exceed 10V (above GND). VEE must be less than VCC -- anywhere between 2.0V and 10V below VCC. The operating area graph below -- figure 7 in the datasheet -- represents those ranges visually:
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Modul Multiplexer 74HC4051 8 Channel Analog & DigitalModul Multiplexer 74HC4051 8 Channel Analog & DigitalModul Multiplexer 74HC4051 8 Channel Analog & Digital