Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote

Elektronik > Media Player > MP3 & MP4 Player > Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
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Detail Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote

Features :
Support USB, TFT Card, FM Radio, Bluetooth, AUX
LED Display
Tombol Volume-, Volume+, Mode, Scan
Remot Multi Fungsi, Power, Mute, Mode, Stop, Repeat, Next, Previous, Play, Forward, Rewind, 0-9, Volume-, Volume+
Termasuk kabel soket power, audio dan antena
Remot sudah terdapat baterai
Support tegangan 12, memberikan tegangan lebih akan menyebabkan terbakar
Garansi 1 bulan dengan catatan modul tidak terbakar
Berat Barang : 15 gr
Berat Kemasan : 33 gr

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Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote
Modul Mp3 Player 12V Bluetooth with Remote