Detail Modul Mini Lithium Baterai Charge TP4056 1A With Automatic Protection
- LEMBARAN PCB tanpa kemasan, tanpa test, hanya cek fisik sebelum dikirim. Membeli berarti setuju, no RETUR & no KOMPLAIN. - Produk bisa dilihat = ready stok. - Produk yang dikirim diusahakan sesuai pada foto utama. - Harap tidak mempermasalahkan perbedaan, jika ada tulisan/ gambar/logo pada board (fungsi tetap sama).
Modul lithium baterai sharge TP4056 1A adalah modul untuk charge baterai li-ion/ baterai lithium yang lebih umum dipergunakan pada modul power bank. Modul dilengkapi auto protection, charge otomatis akan terhenti ketika baterai sudah penuh.
Deskripsi ; - Input mini usb - Tegangan input 4,5v - 5,5v - Full Charge 4.2V 1,5% - Arus maksimal 1000 mA (1A) - Temperatur -10 - 85 C - Dimensi 26 x 17 x 5.5 mm - Dilengkapi 2 lampu led indikator (merah charge dan biru/hijau full)
Perhatian ; - Pemasangan tidak boleh terbalik antara kutub positif maupun kutub negatif baik input ataupun output karena dapat perusak chip maupun modul.
Info lain jika dibutuhkan;
100% brand new and high quality Charge module- Linear charging. Current- 1A adjustable. Charge precision- 1.5%. Input voltage- 4.5V-5.5V. Full charge voltage- 4.2V. Led indicator- red is charging Green is full charged. Input interface- mini USB. Work temperature- -10 to +85. Inversed polarity- NO. Size- small to 25X19X10mm.
NOTE: 1. Ampere meter can only be connected to 5v input end of the module. 2. It is better that the charging current is 37% of the battery capacity. If you charge to the battery of 1000mAH, current of 400 is enough. 3. The connection wire should not be too thick. 4. Make sure the connect point is good. 5. If the input voltage is too high, like 5.2v, the current will be less than 1000mA, it is normal. It is protection function, auto-substract the charging current to avoid burn damage to chip. 6. NO Reveral polarity.
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Modul Mini Lithium Baterai Charge TP4056 1A With Automatic ProtectionModul Mini Lithium Baterai Charge TP4056 1A With Automatic ProtectionModul Mini Lithium Baterai Charge TP4056 1A With Automatic ProtectionModul Mini Lithium Baterai Charge TP4056 1A With Automatic Protection