he all digital fingertip pulse oximeter, based on all digital technology, is intended for noninvasive spot-check measurement of functional oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin (SpO2) and heart rate. Advanced DSP algorithm can reduce the influence of motion artifact and improve the measurement accuracy during low perfusion.The product is suitable for use in family, hospital, oxygen bar, social medical organization, physical care in sports and etc.
FITUR -Tampilan BESAR -Pengoperasian dengan 1 tombol sehingga mudah dan nyaman digunakan -Ukuran kecil, ringan dan mudah dibawa -Hemat energi, menggunakan baterai AAA, bisa untuk 30 jam pemakaian
-Baterai tidak termasuk dalam pembelian
-Indikator baterai lemah -Auto Off jika 8 detik tidak ada sinyal -Cocok digunakan di RUMAH SAKIT, KLINIK KESEHATAN, RUMAH, dll
Package Content
- 1 x Mixio Fingertip Oximeter - 1 x Lanyard tali - 1 x English user manual
Gambar produk
MIXIO A2 Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Sp02 Saturation Monitor HD OLEDMIXIO A2 Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Sp02 Saturation Monitor HD OLEDMIXIO A2 Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Sp02 Saturation Monitor HD OLED