Detail mixer microverb master 4 4ch bluetooth soundcard
mixer microverb master 4 original digital mixer 4 channel original Mixer Microverb Master 4 Original 4 Channel Bluetooth
FEATURE 4 Channel line mic 3 Band EQ GAIN CONTROL EFFECT 256DSP DIGITAL MULTI EFFECT PEAK LED EACH CHANNEL 2 Aux 1aux send 1 aux effect Headphone dan monitor output With control Digital display usb mp3 player Bluetooth recording to pc usb interface 48+ phantom power for condensor
Barang kwalitas original garansi 1 tahun
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mixer microverb master 4 4ch bluetooth soundcardmixer microverb master 4 4ch bluetooth soundcardmixer microverb master 4 4ch bluetooth soundcardmixer microverb master 4 4ch bluetooth soundcard