Detail Mixer Hardwell M 16 Live Original 16 Channel HARDWERL M16 LIVE
Mixer Hardwell M 16 Live Original 16 Channel HARDWERL M16 LIVE
- 16 mono (mic/line)+4sub group - Efek 199 macam sekelas alesis - MP3 with sound card recording, USB recording, BLUETOOTH, LED display - MP3 with Hi,Low,Volume control knob and Solo MUTE, Group 1/2 , Group 3/4 ,L/R Output selection Switch - 2x4 Matrix Output - 7Tone include Sub Bass Tone - 4 LED Ligh Display - 4 Group L/R main Output with INSERT JACK - 4 Group L/R main Output, FX with MUTE , SOLO, PAN Control - 6 aux, aux 1-2/ aux 3-4 with pre or post fader select switch. aux 5-6 can control by L/M main fader - MONO output , TAPE with MUTE solo Control - L/R pan pot/pe - +48 v phantom untuk semua chenel - led peak setiap chenel - 100hz low cut - insert on chenel mono - TALKBACK Mic is available to Group 1/4, main L&R Output with select switch - Built -in Switching Power Supply - Packed with strong fligh case - bisa untuk Sound Card
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Mixer Hardwell M 16 Live Original 16 Channel HARDWERL M16 LIVE