Detail Mixer Audio SoundBest IR 52 in 5 Channel Original dan Murah
Speksifikasi mixer audio soundbest 5 channel IR 52 sebagai berikut:
5 channel mixer 3 XLR balance mic / line-2 stereo line. Individual Gain,Mid,High,Low,Aux,EQ,Pan control and Usb. Ada Equalizer and Phantom Built in effect Vokal Digital DSP Stereo RCA output. TRS jack outs. Main slide control ( L+R ), phones. Individual echo. Phantom for condensor mic. 3 insert for microphone. Delay,Repeat,Effect send & Aux control..
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Mixer Audio SoundBest IR 52 in 5 Channel Original dan MurahMixer Audio SoundBest IR 52 in 5 Channel Original dan MurahMixer Audio SoundBest IR 52 in 5 Channel Original dan MurahMixer Audio SoundBest IR 52 in 5 Channel Original dan Murah