Detail mixer audio ashley hero6 hero 6 6CH bluetooth original garansi
Mixer Ashley Hero 6 Channel Original Multi Effect 199dsp
Specifications Channel 6 Mono 4 Band EQ Frequency Each Channel 2 Aux Send to Effect Volume Control Digital Multi Effect 199 Edit A, Edit B 60 mm Fader Each Channel PFL Switch Each Channel Mix and Group Each Channel Insert On Each Channel Led Peak Each Channel + 48V Phantom Power Each Channel
Garansi 1 Tahun GARANSI RESMI ASHLEY #ashleyhero6 #mixeraudio6ch #mixerhardwell #mixeryamaha #mixer6chbagus #mixermixer#ashley
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mixer audio ashley hero6 hero 6 6CH bluetooth original garansimixer audio ashley hero6 hero 6 6CH bluetooth original garansimixer audio ashley hero6 hero 6 6CH bluetooth original garansimixer audio ashley hero6 hero 6 6CH bluetooth original garansimixer audio ashley hero6 hero 6 6CH bluetooth original garansi