Detail Mixer Ashley 6 Channel King6 Note King 6 Note King 6Note King 6 Note ORIGINAL
Mixer Audio Ashley KING 6 NOTE - KING 6NOTE 6 Channel Original Feature : 6 Cahnnel Mono / Mic line 4 Band EQ Gain Control 3 AUX (2 Aux send + Aux Effect) With Effect to Aux Effect 199dsp Digital Multi Effect Edit a,b Digital display usb Mp3,recording,bluetooth Wth LED and Switch Haedphone Monitor Gain Control Phantom Power Each For Condensor Mic Material :Iron plate Mute Each Channel Gross Weight :6.62kg/pcs Nett Weight :3,83kg/pcs Packing Aluminium Box + Color Box Product Size :29*44*11cm/pcs Packing Size :36*52*19cm/pcs
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Mixer Ashley 6 Channel King6 Note King 6 Note King 6Note King 6 Note ORIGINAL