Minnah Bag 민나 가방 (Free custom name + Pin) tas konser pvc seventeen super junior Suju nct exo treasure stray kids
Minnah Bag 민나 가방 (Free custom name + Pin) tas konser pvc seventeen super junior Suju nct exo treasure stray kids
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Tas Wanita > Tas Selempang & Bahu Wanita > Minnah Bag 민나 가방 (Free custom name + Pin) tas konser pvc seventeen super junior Suju nct exo treasure stray kids
Detail Minnah Bag 민나 가방 (Free custom name + Pin) tas konser pvc seventeen super junior Suju nct exo treasure stray kids
Video perkenalan produk Minnah Bag 민나 가방 (Free custom name + Pin) tas konser pvc seventeen super junior Suju nct exo treasure stray kids. Sumber: Shopee.
READY FOR SAMEDAY/INSTANT Original design by @jungiekhouse
안녕 ♡ PVC 0.8 & Strap premium ADA HARGA ADA KUALITAS kirim cepat = no custom name
Banyak yg sudah ikutin bahkan sampai design pouchnya tapi yang original tetap punya @jungiekhouse
di dalam paket sudah termasuk paket lengkap : - WITH POUCH : FREE CUSTOM NAME + PIN + POUCH + FREEBIES - ONLY PVC : FREE CUSTOM NAME + PIN WITH ZIPPER penutup pvc pakai zipper , sedangkan yg biasa hanya pakai button/kancing di atas ( TULIS DI NOTES) PILIHAN PIN GESER SLIDE
membeli = setuju Max 10 character alphabeth bisa hangul size : 20*25*10cm (kurang dari a4)
note : - Warna bora nya lebih tua ya, boleh slide foto nya - 2in1 = ransel + sling bag (free custom name keychain + pin)
NOTE : Mohon berikan pilihan pin cadangan , apabila pin yg di mau habis dan tdk memberikan pilihan pin cadangan , akan di kirim random
Gambar produk
Minnah Bag 민나 가방 (Free custom name + Pin) tas konser pvc seventeen super junior Suju nct exo treasure stray kidsMinnah Bag 민나 가방 (Free custom name + Pin) tas konser pvc seventeen super junior Suju nct exo treasure stray kidsMinnah Bag 민나 가방 (Free custom name + Pin) tas konser pvc seventeen super junior Suju nct exo treasure stray kidsMinnah Bag 민나 가방 (Free custom name + Pin) tas konser pvc seventeen super junior Suju nct exo treasure stray kidsMinnah Bag 민나 가방 (Free custom name + Pin) tas konser pvc seventeen super junior Suju nct exo treasure stray kidsMinnah Bag 민나 가방 (Free custom name + Pin) tas konser pvc seventeen super junior Suju nct exo treasure stray kidsMinnah Bag 민나 가방 (Free custom name + Pin) tas konser pvc seventeen super junior Suju nct exo treasure stray kidsMinnah Bag 민나 가방 (Free custom name + Pin) tas konser pvc seventeen super junior Suju nct exo treasure stray kidsMinnah Bag 민나 가방 (Free custom name + Pin) tas konser pvc seventeen super junior Suju nct exo treasure stray kids