Detail Mini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Slim NYK BT-90 Keyboard Bluetooth
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Deskripsi Mini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Slim NYK BT-90 Keyboard Bluetooth Mini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Slim NYK BT-90 Keyboard Bluetooth Mini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Slim Thin Design for Windows / Android / iOS / PC
Spesifikasi : Warna: - Putih - Hitam
Product Feature - Model BT-90 NYK - Standard Micro USb Charger - Avaiblable usage with 10 Meter - Modulation system : GFSK - Working Voltage : 3.0-4.2 V - Working Current : <3mA - Standby Current : <0.3mA - Sleeping Current : <0.1mA - Charging Current : >200mA - Standby : > 100 Day - Charging Time : < 2 Hour - Lithium Battery capacity : 110mA - Sustainable Working hour : >40 Hour - Lithium Battery Life : 3 year - Lithium Batery size : 3.0*23*23cm - Force to key : 60 + 10g - Key life : 300Million click - Working Temperature : -10 to +55 degree
Package Contents : - 1x Bluetooth keyboard BT-90 - 1x 1m Micro Usb Cable for Charger
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Mini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Slim NYK BT-90 Keyboard BluetoothMini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Slim NYK BT-90 Keyboard BluetoothMini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Slim NYK BT-90 Keyboard BluetoothMini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Slim NYK BT-90 Keyboard BluetoothMini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Slim NYK BT-90 Keyboard BluetoothMini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Slim NYK BT-90 Keyboard BluetoothMini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Slim NYK BT-90 Keyboard BluetoothMini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Slim NYK BT-90 Keyboard BluetoothMini Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard Slim NYK BT-90 Keyboard Bluetooth