The famous NARS LIPSTICK is here ini versi travel size nya, ini 1,4ml Dijual satuan, harga @185rb. Harga full sz 400k++ . Semua swatch ada di pic, tinggal geser. Available shade :
Raw seduction, your lips but better kinda shade. A must have
Banned red, well this red is rare. Mix red and brown, a shade you will love
Immortal red, best red you'll ever have. Great for all occasion
Intrigue, your blue red shade. Great for those with light skin tone. Buat yang medium skin warnanya bisa terlihat lebih orange di kulit kalian . #narslipstick #narsimmortalred #narsbannedred #narsrawseduction #narsintrigue #narsmattelipstick #narscosmetics