Mine Stamp Mine Printer Compact / mine marker

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    Detail Mine Stamp Mine Printer Compact / mine marker

    Mine Stamp Mine Printer Compact - Rp 199,000
    Minestamp is the personalized stamp for your clothing, paper and other surfaces.
    Quickly and effectively mark your child's clothing and personal items without worry leaving anything on the way.
    The print is perfectly readable up to about 30-40 washes.
    The indelible ink is for all absorbent fabrics such as cotton, polyester and linen.
    Alphabet and numbers pad included with 8 alphabet patterns, up to 3 rows of text.
    Product dimension: 6 x 7 x 3 cm.
    Made in Europe.


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    Mine Stamp Mine Printer Compact / mine marker
    Mine Stamp Mine Printer Compact / mine marker