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.Inspired by Mid-century illustrations I recently started making my personal illustration project. I have made a lot of rolled paint textures and use it in Photoshop. But I wanted to make it in vector, so I started creating brushes with rolled paint strokes and foam brushes.
I cleaned it up and made this pack of brushes.
It contains 50 hand-made brushes for Illustrator
They work great for texturing, line work or adding grunge edges to your illustrations or typography.
My favourite ones are shader grainy brushes for really vintage looking shading and texturing.
Look into gallery for examples of work.
As a bonus you will get 5 Subtle textures in .EPS format.
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Mid Century Brushes - IllustratorMid Century Brushes - IllustratorMid Century Brushes - IllustratorMid Century Brushes - IllustratorMid Century Brushes - IllustratorMid Century Brushes - IllustratorMid Century Brushes - Illustrator