Detail Microsoft Office 365 Family POSA CA (Up to 6 People) 6GQ-00083.EC
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Microsoft Office 365 Family POSA CA (Up to 6 People) 6GQ-00083.EC
1-6 People 12-Month Subscription PC, Mac and Mobile Premium Apps with the latest update 1 TB cloud storage per person Advanced Security
For PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone & Android devices (1-6 People) Word, Excel, PowerPoint, One Note (Premium) Outlook email & calendar (Premium) Microsoft Editor advanced writing assistance (1-6 People) Premium features in Microsoft Family Safety mobile app (1-6 People) 1 TB OneDrive cloud storage to back up files & photos (1-6 People) Ransomware file recovery & email phishing detection (1-6 People) Works with Microsoft Teams
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