Tas Wanita > Tas Selempang & Bahu Wanita > Michelle bag tas selempang wanita original jimshoney free box exclusive tas pesta impor murah gift hantaran official store
Detail Michelle bag tas selempang wanita original jimshoney free box exclusive tas pesta impor murah gift hantaran official store
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Get your own Michelle Bag from Jims Honey and add some style to your everyday life😍
Tampil cantik dan stylish dengan Michelle bag yang super cute dan modis ini, dijamin gak akan bikin JHLadies kecewa deh!! Apalagi ditambah Michelle bag, Mau itu acara formal atau non Formal, JHLadies bisa banget mix and match outfit kalian sama Michelle Bag🤗
Michelle Bag is the real definition of classy and feminine combined! It’s totally perfect to make your activities look more elegant.
So go get yours JHLadies!😉🤍
PRICE: IDR 336.000 SALE 50% Menjadi IDR 168.000
DETAILS: Size : 24 x 6 x 12cm Size Box: 26 x 7,5 x 15cm Berat: 600 gram Terdapat 6 Warna
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