Detail Mi.more Kotak Penyimpanan Makanan Cute / Fresh Keeping Box / Kotak penyimpanan Plastik / Rice Packing Box
Video perkenalan produk Mi.more Kotak Penyimpanan Makanan Cute / Fresh Keeping Box / Kotak penyimpanan Plastik / Rice Packing Box. Sumber: Shopee.
Characteristics: seal and fresh, resistant to high temperature, easy to clean and resistant
1: Storage of sub-packages, reduced fat and race, easy and comfortable, good food
2: The date, which can record the food storage date to avoid expiry
3: Good cover, no leak, no drip when rolling
4: PE food class material, high temperature resistant without deformation, not easy to melt
Gaya: gaya yang indah
Corak: kartun
Ukuran: sekitar 12.5x8.5x5cm
Warna: anjing kuning, kelinci merah muda, beruang beige
Termasuk: 1 x kotak penyimpanan segar
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