Detail Mesin Jahit Karung PORTABLE CORDLESS Shuangniu GK9-900A DUAL BATTERY LEEN
Shuangniu sealing machine is a convenient and efficient, high-quality warehousing packaging tool, we know that customers demand and desire for efficiency, safety and durability for work. Based on the continuous improvement of artificial engineering, product is not easy to fatigue in long time usage. Copper core motor is selected to improve steadiness and more reliable power. This machine is made of excellent metal, high hardness, wear resistance, rapid tangency equipment longer service life
Merk: Shuangniu Tipe: GK9-900A Jahitan: 1 Benang Made in: China Kelas Mesin : Mesin Jahit Karung Portable / High Speed Portable Bag Closer Warna : Merah
MODEL TERBARU: Mesin CORDLESS / WIRELESS dengan 2 baterai rechargeable. Pemakaian portable sesungguhnya! Bisa di outdoor hingga 6++ jam tanpa bingung listrik!
+ High Speed (2.2second per karung) + Mesin tidak bising + Handle ergonomis dan tidak mudah pecah + Ringan di tangan + Bahan karung tipis hingga tebal hingga 9mm + Plat pisau potong benang + Motor bahan full tembaga
Mesin jahit karung yang sangat tangguh, memudahkan anda dalam menjahit dan menyegel karung beras, karung goni, karung plastik, karung limbah, kraft paper bag, woven bag dll.
Sudah dipakai oleh pabrik besar-menengah, perusahaan logistik/kurir, pergudangan, produksi textile/garment, packaging mainan, hasil panen dll.
Spesifikasi : - 1 Jarum, 1 Benang - Voltage 36V - Power 190Watt - RPM 13.000r/min - Sewing speed 2000-2400 needle/min - Berat mesin 3kg - Berat baterai 1kg
Isi paket: 1x Mesin jahit GK9-900A SHUANGNIU 1x Benang 2x Baterai Lithium 1x Charger 1x Set bonus aksesoris (jarum, pisau, vanbelt, obeng dll) 1x Instruction Book
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