Detail Mesin Centrifuge 12 Hole Dermatology untuk PRP Free Tabung 100 pcs
mesin centrifuge 12 hole dermatology untuk prp free tabung 100pcs
CENTRIFUGE merupakan alat laboratorium yang memanfaatkan gaya sentrifugal , yaitu gaya yang timbul akibat benda yang diputar dari satu titik sebagai porosnya . untuk memisahkan partikel dari satu benda cair atau dengan kata lain memisahkan benda cair dari kepadatan yang berbeda . benda cair ini merupakan cairan tubuh , contoh darah , serum , air seni , bahan reaksi lainnya , atau campuran dari kedua duanya dengan zat tambahan lain Spesifikasi : Terdiri dari 12hole Max. Speed : 0-4000rpm ( Fixed ) Max. RCF : 1795 x g Capasity : 12 x 15 ml angle rotor Timer : 120 min Power supply : AC220v 20Hz 40w
Fungction Cosmetic : Rejuvenation - Reduce of sweeling up caused by laser surgery and shorten period of healing process - Effect of lifting wrinkle - Good for disease of pigmentation - Eliminating scars, etc. Orthopedic Medicine : - Healing Prosess - Ankle legament, Arthritis, Achilles tendon - Damaged muscle or ligament - Tennis elbow, Golf elbow - Shoulder arthritis - Sacroiliac joints syndome, pelvic pain. - Degenarative arthritis of knee. damaged semilunar valve - Musucian`s over use of wrist. PRP Role/ Effect In case that tissue is recoveried from any damages, platelet coaguated around the damaged tissue. The tissue is recycled by various cytokines in the plateled. This is much more effective that the former prolo therapy chich uses a high density Glocose and intensity of ligament is enhanced up to 40%. Pain Care Treatment: Platelet Rich Plasma Read about a new treatment in pain care. Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) is the latest treatment that many professional athletes receive in order to heal and return to playing sooner. It is non-surgical, with quicker healing times and has been showing promising results for many conditions such as plantar fasciitis, tendonosis, muscle, ligament and tendon strains, sprains and tears (Rotator Cuff, Patella, ACL etc), that have failed other conservative treatment. PRP is "platelet-rich plasma". This is also known as autologous blood concentrate APC. Platelets are a specialized type of blood cell that are involved with injury healing. With PRP, a concentrated platelet solution is injected into the injured area to stimulate healing #Prp #centrifuge #mesinprp #alatprp
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Mesin Centrifuge 12 Hole Dermatology untuk PRP Free Tabung 100 pcsMesin Centrifuge 12 Hole Dermatology untuk PRP Free Tabung 100 pcsMesin Centrifuge 12 Hole Dermatology untuk PRP Free Tabung 100 pcsMesin Centrifuge 12 Hole Dermatology untuk PRP Free Tabung 100 pcsMesin Centrifuge 12 Hole Dermatology untuk PRP Free Tabung 100 pcsMesin Centrifuge 12 Hole Dermatology untuk PRP Free Tabung 100 pcs