Detail Merino Black | Dompet Kulit Sapi untuk Pria & Cowok - Genuine Leather | DOT LEATHERGOODS x FORIND
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This is New Series of Leather wallet by DOT leathergoods. Layout is similar to the series “Bovine”, but the difference with Bovine series is the series “Merino” made by full leather. The boundaries of the slot compartment made by without using fabric material. Full Leather! You could say this is a series of more premium than its predecessor.
SIZE: 11,5 cm x 9 cm
FEATURE: 6 Slots Cards Single Money Compartement 2 Multifunction Deep Slot
MATERIAL: 100% Genuine Leather (100% Kulit Sapi Asli)
Merino Black | Dompet Kulit Sapi untuk Pria & Cowok - Genuine Leather | DOT LEATHERGOODS x FORINDMerino Black | Dompet Kulit Sapi untuk Pria & Cowok - Genuine Leather | DOT LEATHERGOODS x FORIND