Detail MELTS With Crunch - Matcha Crunch - Hazelnut Crunch
Melts With Crunch Only 51 calories per serving (10 gram)
VARIAN RASA: Almost Dark Chocolate - Matcha - Hazelnut BERAT BERSIH: 130g GLASS JAR WITH ALUMINIUM SEAL DELIVERY : Aman pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia (Double safety with bubble & box) SARAN PENYIMPANAN : dapat disimpan di suhu ruangan , tidak perlu di kulkas
How To Enjoy: Letakkan botol ini di dalam wadah berisi air hangat secara terbalik Tunggu 5 sampai 10 menit Buka dan siap untuk dinikmati!
Komposisi Almost Dark Chocolate With Crunch: Gula, tepung beras, kokoa bubuk, mentega kakao, minyak nabati, garam, dan soya lecithin
Komposisi Matcha With Crunch: Tepung beras, pure matcha, kokoa bubuk, mentega kakao, minyak nabati, garam, dan soya lecithin
Komposisi Hazelnut With Crunch: Tepung beras, hazelnut, kokoa bubuk, mentega kakao, minyak nabati, garam, dan soya lecithin
We are Plant based: Tidak mengandung bahan hewani (susu hewan, dairy, mentega hewani, dll), tanpa pengawet & halal.
Pembelian banyak atau custom dapat menghubungi kami melalui chat. Kami melayani harga khusus untuk partnership kolaborasi ataupun kebutuhan korporasi.
Why Melts ? Our sole mission is to bring healthier, affordable and accessible plant-based snack options. Mindfully we create snacks with well-balanced taste and honest ingredients. Hopefully, Melts can add another reason for all of us to choose healthier products.
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MELTS With Crunch - Matcha Crunch - Hazelnut CrunchMELTS With Crunch - Matcha Crunch - Hazelnut CrunchMELTS With Crunch - Matcha Crunch - Hazelnut CrunchMELTS With Crunch - Matcha Crunch - Hazelnut CrunchMELTS With Crunch - Matcha Crunch - Hazelnut Crunch