Detail Melts Chocolate With Crunch 130gr - Chocolate Crunch Jar
MELTS With Crunch "a perfect combination for Melts With Biscuit!" 51 Kalori per serving (10 gram)
Berat Nett : 130g Rasa : Rice Crispy + Dark Chocolate 55% (tidak terlalu manis, tidak terlalu pahit) Tekstur : Spreadable & crunchy Packaging: Toples kaca dengan alumunium seal
Komposisi: tepung beras, kokoa bubuk, mentega kakao, minyak nabati, garam, gula dan soya lecithin 0,1gr (tersedia juga varian matcha & hazelnut)
Plant based & Vegan Friendly: Tidak mengandung gluten dan bahan hewani (susu hewan, dairy, mentega hewani, dll)
Saran penyimpanan : Cukup simpan di suhu ruangan dalam keadaan tertutup rapat, tidak perlu di kulkas
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Melts Chocolate With Crunch 130gr - Chocolate Crunch JarMelts Chocolate With Crunch 130gr - Chocolate Crunch JarMelts Chocolate With Crunch 130gr - Chocolate Crunch JarMelts Chocolate With Crunch 130gr - Chocolate Crunch JarMelts Chocolate With Crunch 130gr - Chocolate Crunch Jar