Detail Mechanical sets DVD 2 unit DC motor driver 3-9V DC motor 1x optics
Mechanical CD / DVD player original 2 unit DC motor 3-9V DC motor 1x optics
ada dua motor -1 motor bldc driver - 2 motor Opal bisa langsung ke aki to adapter - cocok buat penganti punya agan yg udah rusak to buat exprimen lainnya
- kondisi cuci gudang belum pernah kepakai asli merek Philips - pengiriman sesuai foto di atas
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Mechanical sets DVD 2 unit DC motor driver 3-9V DC motor 1x opticsMechanical sets DVD 2 unit DC motor driver 3-9V DC motor 1x opticsMechanical sets DVD 2 unit DC motor driver 3-9V DC motor 1x opticsMechanical sets DVD 2 unit DC motor driver 3-9V DC motor 1x opticsMechanical sets DVD 2 unit DC motor driver 3-9V DC motor 1x optics