Maybelline The Colossal / the collosal Volum Express Waterproof Mascara 9.2 ml Murah

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Detail Maybelline The Colossal / the collosal Volum Express Waterproof Mascara 9.2 ml Murah

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Maybelline The Magnum Volum Express Waterproof Mascara 9.2 ml


Mascara yang menebalkan 10 x
- Collagen membuat bulu mata 10 x lebih tebal
- Technology mega brush yang berbentuk sendok

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Maybelline The Colossal / the collosal Volum Express Waterproof Mascara 9.2 ml Murah
Maybelline The Colossal / the collosal Volum Express Waterproof Mascara 9.2 ml Murah
Maybelline The Colossal / the collosal Volum Express Waterproof Mascara 9.2 ml Murah
Maybelline The Colossal / the collosal Volum Express Waterproof Mascara 9.2 ml Murah