Detail Matte glass infinix Hot 30i Hot 30 Note 30 Note 30 Pro Note 30 VIP Note 30i Note 30 (5G)
Setiap pembelian sudah dapat tissue pembersih, buble wrap dan dus.
SPESIFIKASI : Kekerasan : 9H Ketebalan : 0.3mm Material : Kaca / Tempered Glass PREMIUM Lem : Seluruh permukaan / Full Glue Ukuran : Presisi
Pelindung layar ponsel terbuat dari material kaca berkualitas JAPAN QUALITY dengan ketebalan 0.3mm ini menggunakan teknologi lapisan optik polarisasi
Tempered Glass Matte / Anti Glare
Features: ·High Quality and Brand New. ·Hardness of 9H , Full cover 9D ·Made of Chemical Processed Glass, Has Excellent Display Effect. ·High Screen Sensitivity And Comfortable Touch Feeling. ·Screen Guard Can Resist Scratches And Damages From Unwanted Scratches. ·With High Light Penetration Rate, Even Stick With This Film Guard. ·Anti Oil/ Water Coating, Avoid Smudges And Reduce Fingerprints. ·Slim Tempered Glass Made By High Technical Process. ·Easy to install, Self-adhering, Leaves no sticky residue after removed.
Kelengkapan produk : * Satu Buah Tempered Glass * Alcohol wipes. * Packing dus dan bubble wrap untuk keamanan pengiriman barang * Satu Buah Packingan Original
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Gambar produk
Matte glass infinix Hot 30i Hot 30 Note 30 Note 30 Pro Note 30 VIP Note 30i Note 30 (5G)Matte glass infinix Hot 30i Hot 30 Note 30 Note 30 Pro Note 30 VIP Note 30i Note 30 (5G)Matte glass infinix Hot 30i Hot 30 Note 30 Note 30 Pro Note 30 VIP Note 30i Note 30 (5G)Matte glass infinix Hot 30i Hot 30 Note 30 Note 30 Pro Note 30 VIP Note 30i Note 30 (5G)