Map Binder Black and White Wengu Design B1035 A5 B5 - Binder Note Plus Loose Leaf dan Divider - Binder File - Binder Campus
Map Binder Black and White Wengu Design B1035 A5 B5 - Binder Note Plus Loose Leaf dan Divider - Binder File - Binder Campus
Deskripsi singkat
Buku & Alat Tulis > Buku Tulis & Kertas > Kertas Binder > Map Binder Black and White Wengu Design B1035 A5 B5 - Binder Note Plus Loose Leaf dan Divider - Binder File - Binder Campus
- Free isi loose leaf -+ 56 lembar (bisa direfill dengan kertas loose leaf biasa) - Kertas bergambar bagian depan dan belakang - Free pembatas / divider 4 lembar warna pastel - Isi maksimum sampai 100 lembar (masih enak untuk dibolak balik) - Binder dengan 8 ring besi - Hard cover terbuat dari plastik tebal
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Gambar produk
Map Binder Black and White Wengu Design B1035 A5 B5 - Binder Note Plus Loose Leaf dan Divider - Binder File - Binder CampusMap Binder Black and White Wengu Design B1035 A5 B5 - Binder Note Plus Loose Leaf dan Divider - Binder File - Binder CampusMap Binder Black and White Wengu Design B1035 A5 B5 - Binder Note Plus Loose Leaf dan Divider - Binder File - Binder CampusMap Binder Black and White Wengu Design B1035 A5 B5 - Binder Note Plus Loose Leaf dan Divider - Binder File - Binder CampusMap Binder Black and White Wengu Design B1035 A5 B5 - Binder Note Plus Loose Leaf dan Divider - Binder File - Binder Campus