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Mamas Tem bunny Chuchu silicone nipple

Merek: Mama's Tem | Lihat selengkapnya produk Ibu & Bayi dari Mama's Tem
Ibu & Bayi > Perlengkapan Menyusui > Breast Pad, Shell, & Shield > Mamas Tem bunny Chuchu silicone nipple
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Detail Mamas Tem bunny Chuchu silicone nipple

Mamas Tem Bunny ChuChu Silicone Nipple (1pc) + Case + strap
Ages: 3M+.
1 silicone nipple that made from 100% high quality silicone.
Soothe and comfort baby's before sleeping.
Very light and convenient to use.
Case included, can be used to steam the pacifier or just keep them on-the-go.
Microwave safe, Sterilizer safe (do not exceed maximum time limit shown on the back of packaging).
Free from harmful substances.
Designed and manufactured in Korea.
#oobabymamastem #oobabyempeng #mamastembunnychuchu #jualmamastembunny

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Terima kasih

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Mamas Tem bunny Chuchu silicone nipple
Mamas Tem bunny Chuchu silicone nipple
Mamas Tem bunny Chuchu silicone nipple
Mamas Tem bunny Chuchu silicone nipple
Mamas Tem bunny Chuchu silicone nipple
Mamas Tem bunny Chuchu silicone nipple
Mamas Tem bunny Chuchu silicone nipple
Mamas Tem bunny Chuchu silicone nipple
Mamas Tem bunny Chuchu silicone nipple
Mamas Tem bunny Chuchu silicone nipple