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MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic

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Perawatan & Kecantikan > Kosmetik Wajah > Foundation > MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
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Detail MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic

Video perkenalan produk [NEW SHADES] MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion 15 g - Cushion for Normal to Oily Skin. Sumber: Shopee.

[NEW PACKAGING] Make Over Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion diformulasikan dengan kemampuan oil control yang telah melalui uji terbaru dan terbukti dapat memberikan ketahanan tampilan flawlessyang tidak cakeyhingga 24 jam*, sehingga sangat cocok untuk kulit berminyak. Cushion ini merupakan cushion compact dengan coverage medium-to-full, memberikan hasil demi-matte dan soft-focus yang terlihat seperti kulit sehat yang halus. Mengandung SPF 50/PA++++ yang memberikan proteksi ekstra ke kulit dari paparan berlebih sinar matahari. Dilengkapi dengan aplikator puff anti-bakterial yang tahan air, sehingga tidak menyerap produk dan memberikan coverage yang maksimal. Dermatologically Tested, Non-Comedogenic, Alcohol-free dan Hypoallergenic.Kini tersedia dalam 20 shades yang beragam, dipilih bedasarkan riset warna & undertone kulit ke lebih dari 1000 wanita multi-etnis Indonesia dari Sumatra hingga Papua, menggunakan Shade Matching Technology.

- 24H Longwear
- Oil Control Effect
- Medium to Full Flawless Coverage
- Guarantee No Greasy & No Tacky Feel
- The First Extensive 20 Shades of Cushion in Indonesia
- SPF 50/PA++++
- Hypoallergenic & Dermatologically tested
- Non-comedogenic & Non-Acnegenic
- Alcohol Free

Rekomendasi pemakaian:
1. Tekan puff secara lembut pada sponge cushion sebanyak satu/dua kali untuk mengcover seluruh wajah
- Aplikasikan produk dengan menepukan lembut puff ke seluruh wajah
- Hindari gerakan menggeser agar produk dapat menempel dengan baik pada kulit
- Lipat puff untuk dapat menjangkau bagian wajah tertentu dengan lebih presisi
- Tutup rapat cushion setelah aplikasi dan bersihkan puff secara berkala

Gambar produk

MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic
MAKE OVER Powerstay Demi-Matte Cover Cushion - Cushion matte high coverage BEST SELLER ringan oil control make up tahan lama 24 jam non-comedogenic