Detail Mainan Mobil SLIDE STORAGE CAR Truk Besar Sliding & Pull Back Car New Car Slide Storage Mobil Perosotan
Video perkenalan produk Mainan Mobil SLIDE STORAGE CAR Truk Besar Sliding & Pull Back Car New Car Slide Storage Mobil Perosotan. Sumber: Shopee.
Features : -Made of high quality ABS material, tough and anti-collision. -The big storage truck can double open the window, the mini car can be stored on both sides. -The big storage truck can glide by external force, the mini car has pull back and inertial gliding function. -The mini car can slide off the slide in the front of the big storage truck, create more fun. -There is retrackable handheld design on the top of the big storage truck,easy to carry. -Mini size car is round and smooth, suitable for baby to grasp.
Package Includes: 1*storage truck Besar (Ada Peluncur Didepan ) 6*Mobil Kecil ( Warna Random) ( Bisa Pull Back)
========================================== Spesifikasi: - Berlabel SNI - Barang Sesuai Gambar ========================================== Keuntungan Berbelanja Di Toko Kami : 1. Fast Response. 2. Jaminan Produk Berkualitas. 3. Test Quality Control Sebelum Dikirim (Kelengkapan, Kondisi Fisik, Dan Fungsi Fitur). 4. Pengiriman Cepat Dan Setiap Hari Ada Pengiriman (Kecuali Ekspedisi Libur), Pengiriman Paling Lama 2 x 24 Jam Dari Invoice Masuk Ke Sistem Toko Kami ========================================== *Catatan Untuk Pembeli : 1.Toko Buka Senin s/d Sabtu Pukul 09:00 Wib s/d 17:00 WIB 2. Tanggal Merah Toko Libur & Tidak Ada Pengiriman 3. Semua Barang Ready Stok , Jika Habis Akan Kami Infokan 4. Pengiriman 2- 4 Hari (Tergantung Ekspedisi Yang Dipilih ) 5. Jika Ada Kekeliruan Dalam Pengiriman Mohon Chat Kami, Jangan Memberi Ulasan Sebelum Mendapat Solusi Terbaik Dari Kami. 6. Pertanggal 17 Agustus 2020, produk yang salah Kirim / Rusak Dan Ingin Di Kirim Kembali Wajib Menyertakan : Video Sebelum Kemasan Packing Di Buka, Sertakan Label Pengiriman Di Dalam Video
Gambar produk
Mainan Mobil SLIDE STORAGE CAR Truk Besar Sliding & Pull Back Car New Car Slide Storage Mobil PerosotanMainan Mobil SLIDE STORAGE CAR Truk Besar Sliding & Pull Back Car New Car Slide Storage Mobil PerosotanMainan Mobil SLIDE STORAGE CAR Truk Besar Sliding & Pull Back Car New Car Slide Storage Mobil PerosotanMainan Mobil SLIDE STORAGE CAR Truk Besar Sliding & Pull Back Car New Car Slide Storage Mobil PerosotanMainan Mobil SLIDE STORAGE CAR Truk Besar Sliding & Pull Back Car New Car Slide Storage Mobil PerosotanMainan Mobil SLIDE STORAGE CAR Truk Besar Sliding & Pull Back Car New Car Slide Storage Mobil PerosotanMainan Mobil SLIDE STORAGE CAR Truk Besar Sliding & Pull Back Car New Car Slide Storage Mobil Perosotan