Detail Mainan mobil pull and go bump car, Metal alloy crash and jump car
Ukuran: 8cm Kemasan: Tanpa kemasan
Mainan kecil inovasi terbaru selain pull and go tidak memerlukan baterai, modelnya yang keren. kena benturan juga bisa pental loh.
Gambar produk
Mainan mobil pull and go bump car, Metal alloy crash and jump carMainan mobil pull and go bump car, Metal alloy crash and jump carMainan mobil pull and go bump car, Metal alloy crash and jump carMainan mobil pull and go bump car, Metal alloy crash and jump carMainan mobil pull and go bump car, Metal alloy crash and jump carMainan mobil pull and go bump car, Metal alloy crash and jump carMainan mobil pull and go bump car, Metal alloy crash and jump car