Mainan Edukasi Flashcard Baby Kartu Pintar Hitam Putih Flash Card Black White High Contrast Vision Dekorasi Kamar Bayi Buku Bayi Baby Gift Newborn Montessori Kado Bayi Tummy Time
Mainan Edukasi Flashcard Baby Kartu Pintar Hitam Putih Flash Card Black White High Contrast Vision Dekorasi Kamar Bayi Buku Bayi Baby Gift Newborn Montessori Kado Bayi Tummy Time
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Ibu & Bayi > Mainan > Mainan Lainnya > Mainan Edukasi Flashcard Baby Kartu Pintar Hitam Putih Flash Card Black White High Contrast Vision Dekorasi Kamar Bayi Buku Bayi Baby Gift Newborn Montessori Kado Bayi Tummy Time
Detail Mainan Edukasi Flashcard Baby Kartu Pintar Hitam Putih Flash Card Black White High Contrast Vision Dekorasi Kamar Bayi Buku Bayi Baby Gift Newborn Montessori Kado Bayi Tummy Time
Flash Cards Kartu Pintar bayi hitam putih sangat baik untuk stimulus otak bayi. terdiri dari 16 kartu (32 gambar bolak balik) dengan bahan kertas yg tidak mudah robek. Flashcards ini jg bs bunda aplikasikan sebagai dekorasi kamar si kecil lho menjadikan suasana kamar si kecil lebih edukatif dan menyenangkan🥰
Contains 16 black and white picture cards, used for visual stimulation training
Including early childhood enlightenment knowledge necessary for children, such as points, literacy, recognition, language, etc.
The whole set of picture cards is exquisitely vivid n scientifically arranged.
Helps to improve the baby's cognitive skills, language skills, observation skills, memory n many other key abilities.
1. Stimulate the brain: stimulate the development of the brain through interesting educational activities for babies
And help focus with high-contrast flashcards.
2. Black and white images: Studies have shown that babies re more likely to react to contrasted black n white images,
This makes this book ideal for young eyes.
3. High-quality materials: Appreciate outstanding quality and practical design
The double-sided and oversized cards are made of thick cardboard and present contrasting illustrations based on the baby's vision.