Detail Mainan Anak Steering Wheel Belajar Mengemudi Setir Mobil Mainan Mobil ELC BS
Video perkenalan produk Mainan Anak Steering Wheel Belajar Mengemudi Setir Mobil Mainan Mobil ELC BS. Sumber: Shopee.
Manfaat : - Melatih kordinasi antara tangan & mata, - Melatih daya motorik dan sensorik - Meningkatkan imajinasi dalam bermain
========================================== Spesifikasi: - Berlabel SNI - Barang Sesuai Gambar
Features: The bottom has a suction cup that can be easily absorbed and turned. Help your baby develop fine motor skills through the steering wheel and gear lever and press the active button Have steering wheel and with many sounds Simulation sound effect, steering wheel may rotate in 360 degrees Can be as the child's toy, also be the driver beginner's prop