Detail Mainan Anak INERTIA STORAGE CONTAINER Truck Fire Truck Vehicle Alloy
Video perkenalan produk Mainan Anak INERTIA STORAGE CONTAINER Truck Fire Truck Vehicle Alloy. Sumber: Shopee.
Package Included: 6* Mini Vehicle 1* Portable Container Truck
2 types 1. race car : with push pull function. 2. mix car (4type) engineering,police,firetruck,army : no push pull function. come with 2 sided door container.
Safe material: Heavy trucks are made of durable ABS plastic, and mini race cars are made of alloy. Deformable truck head: The cool design will make children happy. No battery is needed, just push and move. Portable design: There is a handle on the top of the truck, which allows children to easily carry the vehicles stored in the truck. The truck trailer can store 6 cars. Children can have a lot of fun when they play alone.
========================================== Spesifikasi: - Berlabel SNI - Barang Sesuai Gambar ========================================== Keuntungan Berbelanja Di Toko Kami : 1. Fast Response. 2. Jaminan Produk Berkualitas. 3. Test Quality Control Sebelum Dikirim (Kelengkapan, Kondisi Fisik, Dan Fungsi Fitur). 4. Pengiriman Cepat Dan Setiap Hari Ada Pengiriman (Kecuali Ekspedisi Libur), Pengiriman Paling Lama 2 x 24 Jam Dari Invoice Masuk Ke Sistem Toko Kami ========================================== *Catatan Untuk Pembeli : 1.Toko Buka Senin s/d Sabtu Pukul 09:00 Wib s/d 17:00 WIB 2. Tanggal Merah Toko Libur & Tidak Ada Pengiriman 3. Semua Barang Ready Stok , Jika Habis Akan Kami Infokan 4. Pengiriman 2- 4 Hari (Tergantung Ekspedisi Yang Dipilih ) 5. Jika Ada Kekeliruan Dalam Pengiriman Mohon Chat Kami, Jangan Memberi Ulasan Sebelum Mendapat Solusi Terbaik Dari Kami. 6. Pertanggal 17 Agustus 2020, produk yang salah Kirim / Rusak Dan Ingin Di Kirim Kembali Wajib Menyertakan : Video Sebelum Kemasan Packing Di Buka, Sertakan Label Pengiriman Di Dalam Video
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Mainan Anak INERTIA STORAGE CONTAINER Truck Fire Truck Vehicle AlloyMainan Anak INERTIA STORAGE CONTAINER Truck Fire Truck Vehicle AlloyMainan Anak INERTIA STORAGE CONTAINER Truck Fire Truck Vehicle AlloyMainan Anak INERTIA STORAGE CONTAINER Truck Fire Truck Vehicle Alloy