100% Original Maiimi Bath Bomb Sesuai dengan foto etalase dan packaging asli Maiimi
🎀Maiimi x HMNS: Orgsm Bomb🎀 Explosive Pleasure, Inside. Edisi Khusus
The Orgsm Bomb is exclusively made with HMNS first & best selling feminine perfume “O” that offers an unforgettable, romantic experience. Set the mood for a relaxing and intimate… well.. bath.
The blend of famous aphrodisiacs; Rose, Jasmine, Peony, balanced with Vanilla Beans, and Allantoin is there to moisturize your skin while you're bathing in the explosion of Orgsm Bomb.
Sleepy Lavender Bomb by Maiimi dibuat fresh handmade & diformulasikan khusus untuk jadi sahabat kamu berendam di malam hari dengan Lavender Oil yang menghasilkan aroma menenangkan sebelum tidur. Sensasi bersoda yang dihasilkan bath bomb juga dapat merelaksasi tubuh selama berendam.
- Calming - Soothing - Perfect for Night Bath
MORE Fizz. MORE Scent. MORE Colors.
Everything Inside: 1 x Bath Bomb 1 x Foldable Packaging
How to Use: 1. Isi bathtub dengan air hangat-panas 2. Masukan Bath Bomb Maiimi disaat bath tub sudah terisi dengan air 3. Enjoy your nourishing bath time, optimal for 15-30 minutes! 4. For best experience, use Naked in Bubbles (Bubble Bath) Maiimi.
Storage Instruction: Simpan di tempat yang sejuk, jauhkan dari sinar matahari langsung, jauhkan dari air dan tempat lembab.