Buku & Alat Tulis > Perlengkapan Menggambar > Buku Gambar & Sketsa > Lyra Sketch Book A4 30 Pages Sheets 150 Gsm Buku Sketsa Menggambar Kualitas Premium Professional 9210260
Detail LYRA Sketch Book A4 30 Pages Sheets 150 Gsm Buku Sketsa Menggambar Kualitas Premium Professional 9210260
Sketchbook yang satu ini cocok untuk Anda yang menyukai kepraktisan dan harga yang terjangkau. Dilengkapi ring vario zip berbahan PVC, kertas sketchbook dari Lyra ini dapat dilepas pasang dengan mudah. Anda dapat melepas kertas dengan cara mencabutnya langsung tanpa perlu membuka ring sketchbook.
Jika kertas sudah habis, Anda tinggal membeli kertas isi ulangnya saja dengan harga yang lebih ekonomis. Hal ini tentu sangat praktis dan hemat, apalagi jika Anda tidak mau repot bergonta-ganti sketchbook.
π isi 30 lembar π Ukuran A4 π tebal kertas : 150 gram. π Bisa direfill (dijual terpisah untuk refill kertasnya)
NOTE : * Semua barang yang kami jual adalah produk original dari merk tersebut (Bukan KW atau sejenisnya) * Harus merekam pada saat unboxing produk sebagai bukti apabila terdapat masalah dengan barang yang kami kirimkan.
This sketchbook is suitable for those of you who like practicality and an affordable price. Equipped with a vario zip ring made of PVC, this sketchbook paper from Lyra can be removed easily. You can remove the paper by pulling it directly without opening the sketchbook ring.
If the paper runs out, you just need to buy paper refills at a more economical price. This is certainly very practical and economical, especially if you don't want to bother changing sketchbooks.
π Brand : Lyra π contents 30 sheets π A5 size π paper thickness: 150 grams. π Can be refilled (sold separately for paper refills) π Order means AGREE to the applicable rules and conditions. π For security in shipping goods. It is recommended to add Extra Bubble Wrap, which is available in the storefront.
* All the items we sell are original products from that brand (Not KW or the like) * For product safety during the shipping period, it is recommended to add insurance. * Must record at the time of unboxing the product as evidence if there is a problem with the goods we sent.
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LYRA Sketch Book A4 30 Pages Sheets 150 Gsm Buku Sketsa Menggambar Kualitas Premium Professional 9210260LYRA Sketch Book A4 30 Pages Sheets 150 Gsm Buku Sketsa Menggambar Kualitas Premium Professional 9210260LYRA Sketch Book A4 30 Pages Sheets 150 Gsm Buku Sketsa Menggambar Kualitas Premium Professional 9210260