LUXCRIME Perfect Canvas ORIGINAL | Luxcrime Primer ORIGINAL | Allaboutface

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Detail LUXCRIME Perfect Canvas ORIGINAL | Luxcrime Primer ORIGINAL | Allaboutface

EXP 12-2024

A hydrating, makeup-gripping gel primer that quickly absorbs into the skin during application, simultaneously boost skin’s radiance while blurring the look of imperfections to prep the skin for flawless makeup application. Suitable for dry skin.

Hydro Blur Primer: Primer utk memberikan kelembapan dan skin radiance dengan hasil blur finish utk menutupi pori2 dan imperfection pada wajah (cocok utk kulit kering)

How to use:
*Apply primer over a clean, moisturized skin.
*Starting at the center of your face and blending outward.
*Let it set for 15 seconds.
*Wear alone or under makeup

*Hydrates Skin

A weightless makeup primer that helps diminish the look of pores and imperfections, mattifies the skin and delivers maximum all-day shine control while improving and extending the wear of makeup. Suitable for normal to oily - combination skin.

Mattifying Poreless Primer: Primer utk menutupi pori-pori dengan hasil matte, mengontrol minyak, shine control, dan membuat makeup lebih tahan lama (cocok untuk kulit normal, oily, dan kombinasi)

How to use:
*Apply primer over a clean, moisturized skin.
*Starting at the center of your face and blending outward.
*Let it set for 15 seconds.
*Wear alone or under makeup

*Blurs Imperfections
*Controls Shine

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Happy Shopping. Terima kasih :)

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LUXCRIME Perfect Canvas ORIGINAL | Luxcrime Primer ORIGINAL | Allaboutface
LUXCRIME Perfect Canvas ORIGINAL | Luxcrime Primer ORIGINAL | Allaboutface
LUXCRIME Perfect Canvas ORIGINAL | Luxcrime Primer ORIGINAL | Allaboutface
LUXCRIME Perfect Canvas ORIGINAL | Luxcrime Primer ORIGINAL | Allaboutface
LUXCRIME Perfect Canvas ORIGINAL | Luxcrime Primer ORIGINAL | Allaboutface
LUXCRIME Perfect Canvas ORIGINAL | Luxcrime Primer ORIGINAL | Allaboutface
LUXCRIME Perfect Canvas ORIGINAL | Luxcrime Primer ORIGINAL | Allaboutface
LUXCRIME Perfect Canvas ORIGINAL | Luxcrime Primer ORIGINAL | Allaboutface