Detail Lumigerm Dust | Glo Germ Powder | Hand Washing Training Kit | Hand Hygiene
Lumigerm dust is a visual tool for teaching proper handwashing, aseptic techniques, and general infection control and it is very effective tool to demonstrate handwashing, surface cleaning, hygiene, and containment techniques. For handwashing training. Lumigerm dust can be rubbed onto surfaces and generally throughout the entire area then let the surface exposed to physical hand touch. One’s hands and the surfaces appear clean. However, the ultra-violet light tells a different story. The discovery of the remaining germs will cast a new light on your cleaning effectiveness.
Lumigerm dust: Physical appearance : white fine powder Material : corn starch based powder Odor : no Under UV light : blue color Packaging : 100 ml
How to : Surface Cleaning Effectiveness
1. Lightly dust a small amount of Lumigerm dust powder over an entire surface area. 2. Wipe lightly the surface until all visible powder disappears. 3. Pass the UV lamp over the surface; the remaining traces of powder will glow on the areas that weren’t washed thoroughly.
How to: Food Cross-Contamination 1. Sprinkle powder very lightly over a head of lettuce, tomato or another fruit or vegetable to be processed by trainees so that powder is not visible in ordinary light. Food used is to be discarded after demonstration. 2. Have trainee’s process food using their normal procedure and kitchen utensils. 3. Use UV lamp to show how the “glowing germs” are spread to hands, cutting boards, knives and to other foods
Batas terima order dan Pengiriman ; Senin – Jum’at : 16.00 wib ( same day jam 14.00 wib ) Sabtu : 12.00 wib ( same day jam 11.00 wib ) Minggu / Libur Nasional : Tutup
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Lumigerm Dust | Glo Germ Powder | Hand Washing Training Kit | Hand HygieneLumigerm Dust | Glo Germ Powder | Hand Washing Training Kit | Hand HygieneLumigerm Dust | Glo Germ Powder | Hand Washing Training Kit | Hand HygieneLumigerm Dust | Glo Germ Powder | Hand Washing Training Kit | Hand HygieneLumigerm Dust | Glo Germ Powder | Hand Washing Training Kit | Hand HygieneLumigerm Dust | Glo Germ Powder | Hand Washing Training Kit | Hand Hygiene