Detail Loreal Majilift Majifashion 50ml Kode 12.11 Blue Coal
Majilift is the permanent hair color solution for clients with dark natural bases who want to go up to 4 levels lighter without the lightener! Formulated with Ionène G™ and Incell™ complex to care for hair during lightening.
Majilift is best for clients with natural base levels 1-4.
WHITE COVERAGE Up to 30% white hair LIFT Up to 4 levels Ideal base level 1 - 4 DEVELOPMENT TIME 30 minutes
DEVELOPER 1:2 Color to Developer Mixing Ratio 20 volume Majicrème Developer 30 volume Majicrème Developer
TECHNOLOGY • Ionène G™ repairs smoothness of the hair fiber • Incell™ complex improves the hair’s porosity and shine
Loreal Majilift Majifashion 50ml Kode 12.11 Blue CoalLoreal Majilift Majifashion 50ml Kode 12.11 Blue CoalLoreal Majilift Majifashion 50ml Kode 12.11 Blue CoalLoreal Majilift Majifashion 50ml Kode 12.11 Blue CoalLoreal Majilift Majifashion 50ml Kode 12.11 Blue Coal