Detail Lomography Berlin Kino 400 - Roll Film 35mm, ISO 400, 36exp
• A Refined Formula for True Film Lovers Inspired by the New German Cinema sweeping through Berlin in the 1960s, our original Berlin Kino Film emulsion was an utter blockbuster. However, as German cinema evolved through time, adapting to meet the innovatory spirit of its founding fathers, so did our film formula. Refined and brimming with greater artistic control, the Berlin Kino B&W 400 2019 Formula will allow you to capture moments of your life in an eternalized enchanting monochrome.
• A Film to Expand the Possibilities of Monochrome Unique in its high dynamic range and ability to produce distinct yet equally stunning results with different filters and development processes, this panchromatic emulsion is a blank canvas for your creativity. The native sensitivity of this film is ISO 400 (27°C). However, due to its impressive latitude, you can push the ISO up to 800, 1600 or 3200 while retaining an impressive tonal range and detail. Capture the gritty beauty of the streets in motion, or sweep into the studio for effortlessly elegant editorial images filled with soft focus and subtle contrast.
- ISO : 400 - Developer : B&W - Format : 35mm - Exposures : 36 shoots
Best Use : 4/2024 (FRESH FILM!)
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Lomography Berlin Kino 400 - Roll Film 35mm, ISO 400, 36expLomography Berlin Kino 400 - Roll Film 35mm, ISO 400, 36expLomography Berlin Kino 400 - Roll Film 35mm, ISO 400, 36expLomography Berlin Kino 400 - Roll Film 35mm, ISO 400, 36expLomography Berlin Kino 400 - Roll Film 35mm, ISO 400, 36exp