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Detail Lenyes LC960 Kabel data charge cable Fast Charging 60W Type C to C casan
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Kabel data charging cable Lenyes LC960 Type C to C Fast Charging 60W
Garansi 12 Bulan
Specifications: Brand: Lenyes Type: stripe data cable Model: LC960 TC-TC Color: white Length: 1000mm Input: Type C Output: Type C Speed: 3.0A 60W Execution standard: Q/QYWL003-2016
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Lenyes LC960 Kabel data charge cable Fast Charging 60W Type C to C casanLenyes LC960 Kabel data charge cable Fast Charging 60W Type C to C casanLenyes LC960 Kabel data charge cable Fast Charging 60W Type C to C casanLenyes LC960 Kabel data charge cable Fast Charging 60W Type C to C casanLenyes LC960 Kabel data charge cable Fast Charging 60W Type C to C casan