Lenovo T38 TWS Bluetooth Earphone Mini Wireless Earbuds with Mic Noice Reduction Sport Waterproof Sweatproof 9D Stere Headphone
Lenovo T38 TWS Bluetooth Earphone Mini Wireless Earbuds with Mic Noice Reduction Sport Waterproof Sweatproof 9D Stere Headphone
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Komputer & Aksesoris > Gaming > Gaming Headset > Lenovo T38 TWS Bluetooth Earphone Mini Wireless Earbuds with Mic Noice Reduction Sport Waterproof Sweatproof 9D Stere Headphone
Detail Lenovo T38 TWS Bluetooth Earphone Mini Wireless Earbuds with Mic Noice Reduction Sport Waterproof Sweatproof 9D Stere Headphone
Video perkenalan produk Lenovo T38 TWS Bluetooth Earphone Mini Wireless Earbuds with Mic Noice Reduction Sport Waterproof Sweatproof 9D Stere Headphone. Sumber: Shopee.
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🟥Spesifikasi: Merek: untuk Lenovo Model: HT38 Bluetooth versi 5.0 Waktu bermain: sekitar 4 jam Diameter penggerak: 10mm Resistansi: 20Ω Rentang respons frekuensi: 10-2000Hz Distorsi harmonik total: 0,1% Rentang impedansi: hingga 32Ω Sensitivitas: 9dB Bahan: ABS Warna: hitam, putih Kapasitas casing pengisi daya: 250mAh Kapasitas earphone: 30mAh
🟥Keterangan: 1. Masa Pakai Baterai yang Lama: Earbud nirkabel memiliki fitur kumparan dinamis besar 13mm, membran timpani getaran ganda, masa pakai baterai yang lama. 2. Kualitas Suara Sempurna: Suara stereo 9D! Desain kanal one-piece menciptakan berbagai efek peningkatan suara. 3. Auto Pairing: Transmisi sinyal stabil, cukup ambil 2 earphone dari casing pengisi daya, dan keduanya akan dipasangkan secara otomatis.. 4. Bluetooth 5.0 Earphone: Kompatibilitas yang kuat dari chip Bluetooth 5.0 membuat headset sempurna untuk sebagian besar perangkat Bluetooth di pasaran. 5. Earphone Peredam Kebisingan: Teknologi pengurangan kebisingan membuat suara Anda jernih, bahkan di lingkungan yang bising, seperti kantor, kafe, bus, kereta api, mobil, dll. Anda dapat membuat panggilan telepon yang lancar dan jernih.
Lenovo T38 TWS Bluetooth Earphone Mini Wireless Earbuds with Mic Noice Reduction Sport Waterproof Sweatproof 9D Stere HeadphoneLenovo T38 TWS Bluetooth Earphone Mini Wireless Earbuds with Mic Noice Reduction Sport Waterproof Sweatproof 9D Stere HeadphoneLenovo T38 TWS Bluetooth Earphone Mini Wireless Earbuds with Mic Noice Reduction Sport Waterproof Sweatproof 9D Stere HeadphoneLenovo T38 TWS Bluetooth Earphone Mini Wireless Earbuds with Mic Noice Reduction Sport Waterproof Sweatproof 9D Stere HeadphoneLenovo T38 TWS Bluetooth Earphone Mini Wireless Earbuds with Mic Noice Reduction Sport Waterproof Sweatproof 9D Stere HeadphoneLenovo T38 TWS Bluetooth Earphone Mini Wireless Earbuds with Mic Noice Reduction Sport Waterproof Sweatproof 9D Stere HeadphoneLenovo T38 TWS Bluetooth Earphone Mini Wireless Earbuds with Mic Noice Reduction Sport Waterproof Sweatproof 9D Stere HeadphoneLenovo T38 TWS Bluetooth Earphone Mini Wireless Earbuds with Mic Noice Reduction Sport Waterproof Sweatproof 9D Stere HeadphoneLenovo T38 TWS Bluetooth Earphone Mini Wireless Earbuds with Mic Noice Reduction Sport Waterproof Sweatproof 9D Stere Headphone