Detail Lenovo LP40 Pro True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones Mini Phone Earbuds TWS With Mic Earpods+Case
Video perkenalan produk Lenovo LP40 Pro True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones Mini Phone Earbuds TWS With Mic Earpods+Case. Sumber: Shopee.
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✅Our products are 100% original Spesifikasi: Nama produk: Lenovo LP40 PRO Merek: Lenovo Model: LP40 PRO Fungsi: fungsi panggilan mendukung headset musik bahan: plastik Tempat Asal: Cina Daratan 🚚Provinsi: Beijing Saluran: 2 Versi Bluetooth: 5.1 Klasifikasi warna: hitam putih Jenis paket: standar resmi Kategori headphone: headphone nirkabel sejati Kinerja tahan air: IPX5 Cara menggunakan: In-ear Radius transmisi: 10m Baik telinga tunggal atau ganda: Stereo bilateral
✅Radius transmisi: 10m Masa garansi: 12 bulan Koneksi antara rongga kiri dan kanan earphone: koneksi nirkabel Kinerja tahan debu: IP5X Metode koneksi headphone dan perangkat pemutaran: koneksi Bluetooth.
✅Daftar Paket: 1 * Sepasang Earbud 1 * Kotak Pengisian Daya 1 * Kabel Pengisian Daya 1 * Panduan Pengguna (Bahasa Inggris/Cina)
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Lenovo LP40 Pro True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones Mini Phone Earbuds TWS With Mic Earpods+CaseLenovo LP40 Pro True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones Mini Phone Earbuds TWS With Mic Earpods+CaseLenovo LP40 Pro True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones Mini Phone Earbuds TWS With Mic Earpods+CaseLenovo LP40 Pro True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones Mini Phone Earbuds TWS With Mic Earpods+CaseLenovo LP40 Pro True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones Mini Phone Earbuds TWS With Mic Earpods+CaseLenovo LP40 Pro True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones Mini Phone Earbuds TWS With Mic Earpods+CaseLenovo LP40 Pro True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones Mini Phone Earbuds TWS With Mic Earpods+CaseLenovo LP40 Pro True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones Mini Phone Earbuds TWS With Mic Earpods+CaseLenovo LP40 Pro True Wireless Bluetooth Earphones Mini Phone Earbuds TWS With Mic Earpods+Case