Detail Lemon Madu Kering Fresh DRIED Slice Honey Lemon TERMURAH
Lemon Kering dengan proses Dehydrated, kualitas Super, tidak ada ampas, bentuk sempurna dan besar-besar..
Warna daging lemonnya lebih gelap seperti foto ke 2 dan 3 (real pic), berbeda dengan yang proses Freeze Dried (warna seperti lemon segar).
Mohon dimengerti dan dipahami ya.. Thx
6 amazing health reasons to include lemon powder in your diet - Adding lemon to water may promote hydration - Lemon is a fabulous source of vitamin C - Supports weight loss - Lemon can improve the health and appearance of your skin - Lemons could help you control your blood pressure - Lemons can improve digestion - Lemons freshens your breath
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Lemon Madu Kering Fresh DRIED Slice Honey Lemon TERMURAHLemon Madu Kering Fresh DRIED Slice Honey Lemon TERMURAHLemon Madu Kering Fresh DRIED Slice Honey Lemon TERMURAH