- Tear off amount needed from the ready made square cut. Ensure that surface is dry, clean and free from dust - Place between surface o stick - Press hard until it stick onto the surface
How to remove & reuse : Simly roll tack - it off the surface. To remove pieces, dab some Tack-it over the area. Once removed, Tack-it can be reused
Important : Avoid using Tack-it on silkscreen, printed or hand-stencilled wallpaper, absorbent and loose surfaces. Ensure that the surfaces to be tacked are clean and dry. On some surfaces, the oily residue may be removed by lighter fuel. Recommendations and suggestions for use are for your guidance only - please assess suitability of each application accordingly
Made to Faber Castell International Quality Standards. Made in Malaysia
Keterangan: - Lem serbaguna dapat digunakan di berbagai permukaan seperti: kayu, besi, kac, plastik dan kertas - Warna: Hijau ATAU Putih - Bisa digunakan berkali-kali - 1 pack isi: 42 pcs / 90 pcs - Harga yang tertera harga per pack
INFO: - Foto produk kami ASLI kami foto dari produk itu sendiri, dan sudah kami WATERMARK dengan link toko online kami. Jika ada yang menggunakan foto produk kami diluar toko ARTE STORE. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab mengenai hal apapun. - Sebelum Anda memesan silahkan baca (Ketentuan Pemesanan, Jadwal Pengiriman Barang, dll) Di Catatan toko kami. Jika anda sudah membeli berarti Anda sudah setuju dengan ketentuan kami. Terima kasih.
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Lem Serbaguna Faber Castell Tack ItLem Serbaguna Faber Castell Tack ItLem Serbaguna Faber Castell Tack ItLem Serbaguna Faber Castell Tack It