Detail LEM FOX 150gr - Lem Putih PVac / White Adhesive - Glue
LEM FOX 150gr - Lem Putih PVac / White Adhesive 100% ORIGINAL PRODUCT
ATURAN PAKAI : Poleskan lem ini dengan tipis dan sama rata pada satu permukaan, lalu kedua bagian ditempatkan dan dipress selama ± 20 menit atau lebih. Bila dikehendaki dapat diencerkan dengan air 5-10%.
KEGUNAAN : Untuk penempelan kayu, kertas, koraltex, plamur tembok texture dll.
DIRECTION TO USE : Apply FOX white adhesive evenly onto one surface then stick to another surface and press approximately for ± 20 minutes. FOX white adhesive can be diluted with water 5-10%.
USAGE : For sticking wood, paper, wall putty, etc.
Manufactured by : PT. Aica Indria Pasuruan - Indonesia
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LEM FOX 150gr - Lem Putih PVac / White Adhesive - GlueLEM FOX 150gr - Lem Putih PVac / White Adhesive - GlueLEM FOX 150gr - Lem Putih PVac / White Adhesive - GlueLEM FOX 150gr - Lem Putih PVac / White Adhesive - GlueLEM FOX 150gr - Lem Putih PVac / White Adhesive - GlueLEM FOX 150gr - Lem Putih PVac / White Adhesive - GlueLEM FOX 150gr - Lem Putih PVac / White Adhesive - GlueLEM FOX 150gr - Lem Putih PVac / White Adhesive - Glue